WanPulse ProVconnect
WanPulse proVconnect software provides remote centralized management, configuration and monitoring of devices - computers, servers, cash desks, industrial equipment, kiosks, etc. running on Windows, Windows IoT / Embedded, Linux or Android.
Suitable for a variety of form factors, performance and applications, from tablets and PCs to ATMs, cash registers, medical devices and kiosks.
Available in local and cloud versions.
Suitable for a variety of form factors, performance and applications, from tablets and PCs to ATMs, cash registers, medical devices and kiosks.
Available in local and cloud versions.
- Convenient user interface.
- Easy to restrict access for users to OS functions (for example, lock / unlock USB or give read-only access, restrict access to certain functions, such as the control panel, and much more).
- Manage internal policy compliance for all your devices with a few clicks in seconds
- Control of every device in your IT environment (regardless of device location, domain, or network), according to monitoring policy, using automatic fixes and other necessary actions when triggers are fired. Not just control, also CORRECT errors without manual actions.
- Full control of MS Windows updates
- Hardware and software inventory.
- Firewall management.
- Remote desktop management.
- Automatic addition of devices.
- Low cost per device (more profitable than all analogues!).